Tag Archives: sobriety

Why Do They Keep Saying I Am a Miracle in My Meetings?

Ever walk into a recovery meeting and hear someone say, “Don’t leave before the miracle happens?” If you haven’t, maybe you have heard someone tell you that you are a miracle. Comprehending this statement may throw you for a loop because you are not trying to hear anything religious. The truth is that miracles are […]

Eminem: Celebrating 12 Years of Continuous Sobriety

One thing is for certain, the rapper Eminem is not afraid to share his recovery to the world. Twelve consecutive years of sobriety from drugs and alcohol gives him the ability to stand up and be proud of his accomplishment. After nearly dying from an overdose and deciding that drugs were no longer an option, […]

Guide to Attaining Emotional Sobriety

Recovery starts with the quest to stop drinking and using drugs but it turns into a mission to learn how to live a fulfilling life. Turns out, staying sober is much easier when someone uses recovery principles in their daily life. Addiction centers in the mind, which means you have to retrain your thoughts from […]

Why Acknowledgment Will Serve You Better Than Your Denial

One of the key characteristics of addiction is denial. Whether you refute that you have a problem with drugs and alcohol, or think you are above getting help to stop, your addiction will trick you into thinking you are invincible under the influence. Once you start withdrawing, you may have a fleeting thought to get […]

How to Make July 4th Fire Up Your Sobriety

July 4th is a holiday that is definitely associated with drinking and using. Although the main attraction is the fireworks show every year, the events leading up to the fireworks and what happens after is what usually causes all the problems. Drinking alcohol as a social lubricant or using mind-altering drugs to enhance the fireworks […]

Tips to Build Your Recovery Tool Kit

Tool Kit

As you make your way through your recovery with a one-day-at-a-time mantra, what you do today can help you to project for tomorrow. Seeds are planted in hopes of future growth, just like recovery tools are instilled for everyday recovery use. In the same sense, tools build the foundation of your sobriety as the seeds […]

What is the Big Deal About Self-Care Anyway?

When it comes to self-care in recovery, self-care takes on a whole new meaning.

In order for humans to withstand survival, practicing self-care is a must. You tried to take care of yourself during your addiction by making sure that you had everything you needed to remain drunk or high for as long as possible. This meant that you would spend most of your day obsessing about how you […]

Why Can’t My Mother Get Sober?

mother's sobriety

Addiction can be one of the ways that mothers can get disconnected from their children. A mom who is consistently under the influence is not being her genuine self which can create a disassociation caused by her addiction. If you were to ask most moms who are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction why they […]

What Is Rule 62?

Having fun in sobriety is a must. The problem most people come upon is that they have no idea how to have fun without the effects of alcohol and/or drugs being part of the equation. Instead, they may find themselves joyless, overcompensating in other areas of their life, and falling short in their recovery program. […]