Tag Archives: Meditation

Tips to Build Your Recovery Tool Kit

Tool Kit

As you make your way through your recovery with a one-day-at-a-time mantra, what you do today can help you to project for tomorrow. Seeds are planted in hopes of future growth, just like recovery tools are instilled for everyday recovery use. In the same sense, tools build the foundation of your sobriety as the seeds […]

Why is Sleep so Beneficial for Addiction Recovery?

Why is Sleep so Beneficial for Addiction Recovery?

People who battle addiction often battle sleep as well. Spending days awake due to the effects of drugs such as cocaine and meth can eradicate sleeping patterns altogether. Even though heroin and alcohol are known as depressive drugs that eventually make you sleepy, these substances can also wreak complete havoc on the body’s circadian rhythm […]

Are you Introverted Now that You are Sober?

Are you Introverted Now that You are Sober?

Drugs and alcohol can create a whole new alter ego that you were not aware existed before you became intoxicated. Although you may be modest when sober, you could find yourself dancing on the bar taking off articles of clothing. While you may be happy go lucky without drugs and alcohol in your system, add […]