Tag Archives: Sleep

Allowing Yourself Time to Rest

time to rest

After enduring hardship, one of the most core components of trauma or recovery is rest. To allow yourself the time to heal from everyday mishaps to tragedy, sleeping makes all the difference in the world. During sleep, your brain processes your experiences, and sleep is vital to your ability to process as you recover. You […]

Adapting to Daylight Savings

daylight savings

Daylight savings is coming up tomorrow, March 14. You will be turning your clocks ahead one hour in a “spring forward” fashion. For many, this means more hours of light during the day and may represent a reprieve from a flare-up of seasonal affective disorder. This winter brought its fair share of obstacles. From navigating […]

Why is Sleep so Beneficial for Addiction Recovery?

Why is Sleep so Beneficial for Addiction Recovery?

People who battle addiction often battle sleep as well. Spending days awake due to the effects of drugs such as cocaine and meth can eradicate sleeping patterns altogether. Even though heroin and alcohol are known as depressive drugs that eventually make you sleepy, these substances can also wreak complete havoc on the body’s circadian rhythm […]