Category Archives: Blog

Can I Stay Sober This Easter?

sober Easter

There are some days where staying sober can be harder than others. Family holidays such as Easter, which is also a religious holiday, can be difficult to navigate. When you have used drinking and using drugs as your coping mechanism for so many years, being around your loved ones can be challenging. Even though you […]

What You Should Know About Online Meetings

online meetings

With the scare of the coronavirus, people have started trying to stay out of public and are making sure their hands are clean. For someone in recovery, this could be terrifying for many reasons. The fear that you could contract this virus is enough to keep you out of meetings, especially with the hand holding […]

Why Must I Share My Story in Recovery?

Why Must I Share My Story in Recovery?

Talking about your addiction may be embarrassing and daunting for you to fathom. Opening up to others about where the depths of drugs and alcohol take you is probably not on your list of things to do. Sharing your story is not solely for the advantage of others, though, because you will also benefit. Becoming […]

Reasons Why Being A Newcomer Isn’t So Bad 

Reasons Why Being A Newcomer Isn’t So Bad 

Every person who has come into recovery was once a newcomer. If you are a newcomer, rest easy that everyone who is trying to remain sober knows how you feel. Yes, being a newcomer can be difficult with trying to gauge your newfound sobriety, but being a newcomer is not all that bad, and here […]

How Can I Be Grateful for My Recovery?

How Can I Be Grateful for My Recovery?

You may have come into recovery kicking and screaming because no one really wants to get sober. Although you may have found yourself sick and tired of being sick and tired, giving up something that alters your feelings and your thoughts can be difficult. Not to mention, that pesky obsession that would not let up […]

Is My Drug or Alcohol Use a Vice or an Addiction?

Is My Drug or Alcohol Use a Vice or an Addiction?

Denial is often a part of addiction. Instead of wanting to get sober and receiving freedom from drugs and alcohol, you may find yourself labeling your drinking and using simply a vice. Even though you experience withdrawals when you do not drink or use; your life is out of control as a direct result of […]

Why Your Feelings May Be Your Biggest Problem Today

Why Your Feelings May Be Your Biggest Problem Today

One of the commonalities in recovery is that everyone seems to have issues with their feelings. Some suppress them with drugs and alcohol. Others are over-emotional about things that seem unreasonable and drink or use to stop the feelings. While another may have no idea how to express them at all except by getting drunk […]

Does Alcohol Make You More Anxious?

Does Alcohol Make You More Anxious?

You may have started drinking to get rid of your nerves and found that the effects of alcohol actually backfired after a while. Meaning that what used to work with alcohol began the onset symptoms of anxiety or making them much worse. Although you may have initially found instant gratification and an answer to make […]

Why Relapse Doesn’t Make You a Failure

Why Relapse Doesn’t Make You a Failure

There is a saying in recovery that is intended to keep people who relapse from drugs and alcohol from feeling like a failure. “Relapse is part of recovery,” they say which is the truth. While there may be controversy surrounding these words because some think this gives someone the justification to relapse, knowing that you […]

What is the Nature of Addiction?

What is the Nature of Addiction?

No one wants to think that they are selfish and self-centered. With addiction, unfortunately, there is no way around the selfish and self-centered ways that occur when someone drinks and uses. From legal woes to jails, hospitals, abandoning loved ones, driving drunk, stealing, and many other adverse actions, a person becomes indulgent in their addiction […]