Tag Archives: Addiction Recovery

I’m Getting Bored in My Recovery Program. What Do I Do?

There may come a time in your recovery program where you feel like you have done it all, seen it all, and met everybody you need to continue to stay sober. Instead of being motivated to go to a meeting, you may dread having to hear the same share from the same person again today […]

Step One: Powerless and Unmanageable 

One of the biggest truths to face in a recovery program is to admit that you are powerless over drugs or alcohol. One of the hardest realities to find when you are trying to get sober from drugs or alcohol is that your life has become unmanageable. Sure, you can see where drugs and alcohol […]

9 Ways You’ll Become a Better Person Now that You are Sober

9 Ways You’ll Become a Better Person Now that You are Sober

Life is filled with those who aspire to become better people. When addiction strikes, however, the desire to be a better person gets replaced with the aim of getting high or drunk instead. Once you get sober though, you can get back on the path to continue to grow into a better person. With personal […]

Why Am I So Judgmental Now that I Am Sober? 

As you sit in your recovery meetings, you may find yourself listening to others with a “what were they thinking” perception. Rather than lend support, you start to negatively evaluate them and their actions. As you judge them without knowing the full story, they are just trying to be vulnerable in what is considered a […]

How Do I Set Boundaries?

How Do I Set Boundaries?

In order for your sobriety to stay intact, boundary-setting must be a part of the equation in your recovery program. You may be squirming just thinking about setting boundaries because you would do anything to avoid confrontation and you are unsure how to set a boundary anyway. Boundaries probably make you feel uncomfortable which is […]

Why Rigorous Honesty is Imperative to Recover from Addiction

Why Rigorous Honesty is Imperative to Recover from Addiction

If you have ever heard the saying “you are as sick as your secrets”, you may wonder how that really affects your recovery. You got sober to stop drinking and using, but now you are realizing that in order to better your chances of not relapsing, you must work a recovery program to the best […]

Best Tips to Stay Sober on Thanksgiving

Best Tips to Stay Sober on Thanksgiving

As the holiday season officially kicks off with Thanksgiving Day, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to celebrating this holiday. With food and gratefulness being the focal point of this special family day, you would seem to have everything you would need for a wonderful time. Everyone is eating delicious food. […]

Which Celebrities are Sober and Can Inspire Your Own Sobriety?

Which Celebrities are Sober and Can Inspire Your Own Sobriety?

Sobriety is a personal choice that may be difficult for some to come out and be open about it to others. Thankfully, 12-Step programs are meant to be anonymous to protect anyone who wants to recover from alcohol and drug addiction to have a chance without worrying about what others who may not understand think […]

Why Do They Keep Talking About Miracles Around Here? 

Why Do They Keep Talking About Miracles Around Here? 

If you have been in a recovery setting for long enough, you will start to hear slogans and catchphrases that have been used for decades that are still relevant today. One that you may hear quite often is to not leave before the miracle happens. For some, this can really give a religious connotation that […]

Why It is Important When You Don’t Know What to Do – Do Nothing

Why It is Important When You Don’t Know What to Do - Do Nothing

Impulsivity is the foundation of addiction. Instead of doing the right thing, the impulsive nature of drugs and alcohol wins out every time when someone is suffering in their addiction. Once a person moves into their recovery, the impetuousness in their actions does not just change automatically. One who has been impulsive will tend to […]