Tag Archives: Addiction Recovery

Why Joining a Gym Can Help Your Recovery

It’s impossible to overemphasize the importance of exercise in recovery. It produces endorphins and helps balance your neurotransmitters, which improves your mood. It strengthens your prefrontal cortex, which improves your self-control. It strengthens your cardiovascular system, helping to heal the damage done by alcohol and other substances. Regular exercise is one of the best things […]

Maintaining Your Recovery After a Breakup

Breakups can be stressful under the best of circumstances and they can be especially trying when you’re recovering from addiction. Not only are they fraught with conflict and feelings of rejection, but there may be practical complications involving child custody and property, which only add to the stress. This is one reason experts typically advise […]

Control Your Social Media Use

Control Your Social Media Use

Social media connects in ways that were never possible before but it also has some pretty significant drawbacks if you let it control your behavior. Social media platforms intentionally make their products as addictive as possible, which can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and depression. At least two studies have found that Facebook, instead […]

Why It’s Best to Leave Politics Out of 12-step Meetings

We live in politically divided times. Cable news and social media have helped create an environment of political hostility. However passionately you may feel about your own political beliefs, it’s best to leave politics out of 12-step meetings. Here’s why. Politics poisons the supportive environment. The biggest reason to leave politics at the door is […]

When Should You Call Your Sponsor?

When Should You Call Your Sponsor?

If you’re doing a 12-step program, it helps to have a sponsor. A sponsor is like a mentor or coach, someone whose recovery is strong and can help you figure things out. While the group can listen and give advice, a sponsor can give you more attention. A sponsor is also someone you can call […]

Tips for Sharing at 12-step Meetings

Sharing at 12-step meetings is a way to feel like part of the group, which strengthens recovery. It helps you get clarity on problems and keeps you from delusional thinking. Most importantly, it’s a way of helping others by letting them know they aren’t alone. Sharing is good for sobriety. Here are some tips for […]