Author Archives: Drew Powell

What is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma underpins most major mental illnesses and substance use disorders. When life deals someone with a challenging card, they only have so many ways to cope. There are genetic and environmental factors that guide the decisions we make in the wake of trauma. Some turn to alcohol or drugs, some experience psychosis; others enter significant […]

How to Use Socratic Questioning in Therapy


You can learn about a person and help them come to realizations about themselves by asking them a series of questions. Named for the Greek philosopher Socrates, this method of conversing helps people get to the heart of the matter. Questions, in this theory, have a particular direction and follow a logical path. Therapists use […]

Defining Self-Determination


In life, we each get to make decisions for ourselves. That is our right to self-determination. Sometimes when we are struggling with mental health concerns, we lose decision-making capacity. Our loved ones step in and start making decisions for us. One day, however, when we are feeling better and in a more stable place, we […]

An Overview of Motivational Interviewing

motivational interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a tool that a lot of clinicians use to learn more about their clients and the client’s desire for change. Some of the basic tenants include getting to know the client better through reflective listening, determining what underlies the client’s ambivalence about change, and assessing where the client is at in […]

Making Minor Adjustments for Major Change

small changes for big change

Making big changes seems overwhelming and too much for us to handle. Instead of shifting your focus all at once, it can be helpful to break down the overarching change into minor adjustments. By tweaking small aspects of your life here and there, you can ultimately see something grander take hold. If you want to […]

The Story Behind “Rock Bottom”

rethinking rock bottom

“Rock Bottom” is often referred to as the period when the effects of addiction are causing someone to spiral downward and the individual struggling with substance abuse feels prompted to seek help as they have exhausted their other resources. It is often portrayed as a theatrical moment of desperation. This is not real life. In […]

How to Get Your Partner to Open Up

couple communicating

Are you having a hard time communicating with your partner? That is a normal occurrence in most relationships. Some of the communication barriers include pent-up resentment and talking patterns we fall into that can be hard to kick. Your partner may be having a hard time opening up if they tend to stonewall or avoid […]

Fending Off Cravings

fending off cravings

While in recovery, it is natural to experience cravings. You may have a desire to use again at random moments. This is part of the recovery process. Substance use disorder is a physiologic illness where your body feels compelled to give in to cravings. So understand that it’s the illness talking. These cravings can come […]

March Madness: The Game of Basketball As a Metaphor for Therapy

March Madness

Typically during this time of year, we gear up for the famous National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) basketball tournament: March Madness. The tournament this year will take place entirely in Indiana from the dates of March 18 through April 3-5. Players, coaches, and staff will all be routinely tested for coronavirus. There will be no […]

Adapting to Daylight Savings

daylight savings

Daylight savings is coming up tomorrow, March 14. You will be turning your clocks ahead one hour in a “spring forward” fashion. For many, this means more hours of light during the day and may represent a reprieve from a flare-up of seasonal affective disorder. This winter brought its fair share of obstacles. From navigating […]