Author Archives: Drew Powell

Shame and Guilt in Addiction

Experiencing shame and guilt is a common part of addiction, recovery, and life itself. When you fixate on failed relationships, lost opportunities, or missed connections, it can become a never-ending cycle of negativity. However, this fails to acknowledge your full journey.  If you begin to envision your life after recovery, you may start to see […]

Depression is Not Laziness

Depression, being “bummed,” or experiencing the feeling of hopelessness is a normal fluctuation in your mental state. During this period, the person experiencing it is often less likely or willing to participate in normal daily activities and other people may misinterpret the scenario as laziness. This is harmful as it fails to validate the genuine […]

Family Dynamics Around Addiction and Recovery

Addiction of any kind and the recovery process affects family dynamics in multiple ways. People assume different roles throughout the process and grapple with the addiction on an individual basis. The best route is not always separation as that can leave the individual suffering from substance abuse without the resources to recover and at risk […]

What is a Panic Attack?

A panic attack is a sudden onset of overwhelming fear causing physical symptoms like rapid heart palpitations, sweating, vision changes, hyperventilation, headache, dizziness, and other symptoms. Some people report a feeling like “the world is ending” or a sense of impending doom. The cause of panic attacks is generally excessive anxiety.  How to Manage a […]

Understanding Anger

Anger, while often frowned upon in our society as a forbidden emotion, is a natural feeling for humans to experience. We all get mad at times. However, it is of utmost importance to understand what causes your anger and how you can learn to manage it. What’s the Origin? Where is your anger coming from? […]

Are You in the “Pink Cloud?”

The “pink cloud” is the period during recovery some people describe as where they are experiencing euphoria and an abundance of optimism around the prospect of sobriety. It can last days, weeks, or even months. Often, this period takes hold after having moved past the withdrawal symptoms associated with detoxification.  The Pros The positive flow […]

How to Use Naloxone

Naloxone is an injectable or nasal spray medication used to treat an opioid overdose. Its distribution has greatly decreased the number of opioid overdose deaths. If you have a family member who may require a naloxone injection, here’s what you need to know. Know the Warning Signs of Opioid Overdose Before administering, you want to […]

Dating in Recovery

Forming romantic relationships after addiction can be a challenge. You may struggle with lower self-esteem even in sobriety or just feel uncomfortable bringing up your past in a “getting to know you” setting. It is okay to feel uncomfortable when meeting new people after going through something so traumatic. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, […]