Tag Archives: Addiction

John Mulaney Working to Overcome Addiction

Just like many of us, celebrities all too often fall into the trap of substance abuse. In a 2019 interview with Esquire, comedian John Mulaney detailed his struggle with addiction. “I drank for attention,” he mentioned in the Esquire piece. “I was really outgoing, and then at twelve, I wasn’t. I didn’t know how to […]

Family Dynamics Around Addiction and Recovery

Addiction of any kind and the recovery process affects family dynamics in multiple ways. People assume different roles throughout the process and grapple with the addiction on an individual basis. The best route is not always separation as that can leave the individual suffering from substance abuse without the resources to recover and at risk […]

The Cause of Counter-Dependency

The topic of codependency comes up regularly within many discussions revolving around addiction. Many people battling addiction are often codependent on others because they cannot financially support their habit from drugs and alcohol on their own. Loved ones will also become codependent on the person with active addiction when they start putting their needs after […]

Why You Should Quit Vaping Because of COVID-19

Stress and anxiety have been a common theme throughout the recent global pandemic. When these reactions arise, seeking coping mechanisms can assist in alleviating stress and anxiety. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or a vape pen can be easy to grab for instant gratification to change how they feel. While drugs and alcohol are mind-altering, tobacco and […]

7 Signs That Might Lead You to a Relapse

Relapse prevention is a must to stay sober. An addiction can be relentless while waiting on the sidelines for you to make a mistake. As a human, you will consistently have to work on your shortcomings to exhibit growth. If you are not willing to do something about your shortcomings, you may find yourself in […]

Will I Ever Repair the Damage of My Past?

Shame and guilt are some of the worst feelings. In fact, you may have continued to drink alcohol and use drugs to avoid having to deal with these types of feelings altogether. Numbing out is what your addiction pulls you to do instead of trying to repair the damage of the past. The longer you […]

Why Do They Keep Saying I Am a Miracle in My Meetings?

Ever walk into a recovery meeting and hear someone say, “Don’t leave before the miracle happens?” If you haven’t, maybe you have heard someone tell you that you are a miracle. Comprehending this statement may throw you for a loop because you are not trying to hear anything religious. The truth is that miracles are […]

Is My Drug or Alcohol Use a Vice or an Addiction?

Is My Drug or Alcohol Use a Vice or an Addiction?

Denial is often a part of addiction. Instead of wanting to get sober and receiving freedom from drugs and alcohol, you may find yourself labeling your drinking and using simply a vice. Even though you experience withdrawals when you do not drink or use; your life is out of control as a direct result of […]

Why is Sleep so Beneficial for Addiction Recovery?

Why is Sleep so Beneficial for Addiction Recovery?

People who battle addiction often battle sleep as well. Spending days awake due to the effects of drugs such as cocaine and meth can eradicate sleeping patterns altogether. Even though heroin and alcohol are known as depressive drugs that eventually make you sleepy, these substances can also wreak complete havoc on the body’s circadian rhythm […]

Is Marijuana a Problem?

Is Marijuana a Problem?

Many people argue that marijuana is safe because the withdrawals are not as intense as they are with other substances. There is also a misconception that marijuana is not addictive. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2018), “marijuana use disorder becomes an addiction when the person cannot stop using the drug, even though […]