Category Archives: Wellness

Maintaining Sobriety During the Holiday Season

When the holiday season starts, it brings many opportunities for parties and family gatherings. For many people, this means enjoying an alcoholic drink or three without a problem, but for those who are maintaining their sobriety, it can be tricky. Living a sober life doesn’t mean you have to avoid every get-together during the holidays. […]

Can I Deal with Chronic Pain without Taking Drugs?

One of the most sensitive topics of discussion in recovery is how to stay sober and deal with chronic pain. One opinion that people in recovery have leaned toward is that you are not being sober if you are taking anything mind-altering, which can include pain medications. The problem with this point of view is […]

How to Have a Sober Halloween During a Global Pandemic

The 31st of October is a day for kids and bigger kids to celebrate a day of costumes and candy galore. This very social holiday will definitely have to be altered this year to keep everyone safe through omitting activities where the coronavirus may spread. Instead of masses of children saying “trick or treat” or […]

What Are the Markers of Shame?

One of the reasons people continue to drink alcohol and use drugs addictively is because the shame they experience is often too big of a burden to carry. Turning to these mind-altering substances to numb these feelings might work in the short-term, but a person’s self-esteem and confidence will decline tremendously in the duration of […]

Compassion: We Are All Recovering From Something

With all the turmoil that the world has had to endure this year, the one thing that seems to be lacking is having compassion for one another. Trying to find acceptance with someone who has different opinions and possibly conflicting values, can be difficult to generate. The truth is that everyone is someone’s daughter or […]

How Do I Find the Initiative to Heal?

In between cleaning up your consequences, working your program, showing up for your job, taking care of your family, managing a place to live, paying your bills, and self-care, the list goes on to make you wonder how you will ever find the time to heal. Recovery is meant as a gateway to improve, rehabilitate, […]

Why Do They Want to Hear My Share?

A jarring aspect of recovery meetings is getting called on to share, especially if you are new. Talking about your awkward feelings and the adverse situations that happened while you were under the influence of mind-altering substances is not easy. Vulnerability is the name of the game in recovery, which does not come easily for […]