Monthly Archives: October 2020

Can I Deal with Chronic Pain without Taking Drugs?

One of the most sensitive topics of discussion in recovery is how to stay sober and deal with chronic pain. One opinion that people in recovery have leaned toward is that you are not being sober if you are taking anything mind-altering, which can include pain medications. The problem with this point of view is […]

The Cause of Counter-Dependency

The topic of codependency comes up regularly within many discussions revolving around addiction. Many people battling addiction are often codependent on others because they cannot financially support their habit from drugs and alcohol on their own. Loved ones will also become codependent on the person with active addiction when they start putting their needs after […]

Why Should I Worry About the Wreckage of the Future?

Now that you are putting some days together in your recovery, you can still cause some future wreckage. If you keep doing all the same things that you were doing while you were active in your addiction, there is a good chance that you could sabotage your recovery. There is a concept in recovery that […]

Why Consequences Equal Change in Recovery

Nothing changes if nothing changes. This statement pretty much sums up the intent to get into recovery and alter someone’s life for the better. Addiction releases unsubdued chaos that will not stop until someone decides that cessation of drugs and alcohol is the adjustment they need. A person who abuses substances will experience an abundance […]

Why Humility Is an Imperative Part of Recovery

You have spent enough time being reckless with selfishness due to your behaviors under the influence. Now in recovery, you can rectify that behavior by adding some humility into your life. In fact, adding humility into your recovery will enhance your sober experience to the nth degree. When you are trying to achieve genuine humility, […]

How Do I Say What I Mean and Mean What I Say (Without Being Mean)?

Setting boundaries is an essential part of having healthy relationships in recovery. Whether you are the one trying to help someone to get sober or you are trying to stay sober, without boundaries, every stitch of effort to maintain relations will eventually fail. Boundaries are guidelines made to show others how to treat you and […]

How to Have a Sober Halloween During a Global Pandemic

The 31st of October is a day for kids and bigger kids to celebrate a day of costumes and candy galore. This very social holiday will definitely have to be altered this year to keep everyone safe through omitting activities where the coronavirus may spread. Instead of masses of children saying “trick or treat” or […]

Tips for Confronting Someone You Believe Has Relapsed

When you believe that someone you are close to has relapsed, there is no easy way to start a conversation about your suspicions. If they have denied relapsing up to this point, you may not get anywhere with them moving forward. People who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction are just like that. They will […]

8 Reasons Why You Should Participate in Your Recovery

Participating in your recovery can seem daunting. All the different ways suggested to show up can be overwhelming. Attending weekly recovery meetings and attending weekly therapy sessions can seem like time wasted to what you really want to do. Meeting with a sponsor and working the 12-Steps, while being of service to others along the […]

Why You Should Quit Vaping Because of COVID-19

Stress and anxiety have been a common theme throughout the recent global pandemic. When these reactions arise, seeking coping mechanisms can assist in alleviating stress and anxiety. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or a vape pen can be easy to grab for instant gratification to change how they feel. While drugs and alcohol are mind-altering, tobacco and […]