Category Archives: Recovery

Ways to Own Your Uniqueness

Have you ever heard the phrase terminal uniqueness? If you have, you know that it’s not a term of endearment, but really gives the impression of entitlement. Terminal uniqueness happens to many who are recovering from drugs and alcohol because they believe they are above the law, and the rules that are for everyone do […]

Compassion: We Are All Recovering From Something

With all the turmoil that the world has had to endure this year, the one thing that seems to be lacking is having compassion for one another. Trying to find acceptance with someone who has different opinions and possibly conflicting values, can be difficult to generate. The truth is that everyone is someone’s daughter or […]

How Do I Make the Most of Each Sober Day?

Getting sober can create many exciting opportunities, but there will be those days when you will not be feeling it. Life on life’s terms still occurs even when you believe that when you stop drinking or using drugs, everything will automatically be much better. Staying sober means that you have to make the most of […]

How Do I Find the Initiative to Heal?

In between cleaning up your consequences, working your program, showing up for your job, taking care of your family, managing a place to live, paying your bills, and self-care, the list goes on to make you wonder how you will ever find the time to heal. Recovery is meant as a gateway to improve, rehabilitate, […]

Why Do They Want to Hear My Share?

A jarring aspect of recovery meetings is getting called on to share, especially if you are new. Talking about your awkward feelings and the adverse situations that happened while you were under the influence of mind-altering substances is not easy. Vulnerability is the name of the game in recovery, which does not come easily for […]

How Being Beautiful on the Inside Can Be Enduring

Addiction rips through the lives of people who are unexpecting what comes next. Alcohol and drugs initially make people feel like they are invincible and like they can take over the world. While this confidence may be alluring, drugs will turn on a person faster than they may realize. Instead of feeling good under the […]

7 Signs That Might Lead You to a Relapse

Relapse prevention is a must to stay sober. An addiction can be relentless while waiting on the sidelines for you to make a mistake. As a human, you will consistently have to work on your shortcomings to exhibit growth. If you are not willing to do something about your shortcomings, you may find yourself in […]

How Do I Communicate With My Higher Power?

Recovery suggests finding a higher power as a means to gain the direction and strength needed to stay sober. The intangibility of a higher power, however, can keep a person from grasping the concept of faith. Trying to communicate with your higher power may seem foreign and impossible because someone may be looking for something […]

Why Miley Cyrus Got Sober

When you think of Miley Cyrus, you may remember her Disney Channel days of Hannah Montana. You might also remember her outrageous interviews and tumultuous relationships that put her in the spotlight for things other than her music and acting career. With everything that was portrayed in the media, one thing that she made loud […]