Category Archives: Addiction

What is Carfentanil?

What is Carfentanil?

Cannabis has been made recreationally legal in a few states across the United States and more states are soon to follow. With marijuana being legal and the laws of growing residential marijuana becoming more lenient, pot has become more accessible. The ease of obtaining marijuana could create problems with not knowing which strain you are […]

Can I Stay Sober on a Plane?

Whether you are flying on a plane for personal reasons or flying for business, traveling can be a very stressful time that you feel comforted using drugs and alcohol to cope. The fear of flying, the turbulence, the light-headedness, claustrophobia, kids crying, and airport temptations are just a few of the ways that people want […]

Benefits of Harm Reduction

Benefits of Harm Reduction

One of the misconceptions that have been stigmatized by our society is that people who abuse drugs and alcohol are “bad people” and are not met with compassion about their substance abuse. To combat this negative impression of people judging what they think addiction is, there have been organizations and platforms that have been configured […]

Is the Show “Intervention” a Real Representation of Addiction?

Reality TV shows often get a bad rap for provoking the people on the show into acting in an explosive and dramatic way to get more ratings. The producers are known to conjure up situations and settings that might otherwise lead someone to appear outrageous which makes viewers question the validity of the “reality”.  The […]

How to Resolve Your Fears in Sobriety

Everyone gets afraid at some point in their lives. For some people, their fears push them to be better, and for others, their fears push them back altogether. In order to compensate for the fear that paralyzes them, they will often turn to drugs and alcohol to numb out being afraid.  Your fears are mostly […]

Can you Overdose on Weed?

People have different views regarding the drug, marijuana. Some people do not see it as a drug at all because they see cannabis as medicine and as the only alternative, they have to feel better. Others do view marijuana as a drug because of the mind-altering ingredient of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that will get them high.  […]

How Can I Stay Sober on the 4th of July?

How Can I Stay Sober on the 4th of July?

July Fourth is one of those holidays which has a dual meaning. Obviously, this day symbolizes the United States independence from Great Britain in 1776. The fourth of July also signifies a long weekend of patriotic fun with friends and family which often includes drinks and drugs. With a few days off, this makes it […]

Is July 4th Really Meant to be Celebrated Sober?

Every day and every holiday were meant to be celebrated sober including July 4th. Independence Day is usually filled with BBQ’s, beach time, family and friends, fireworks, and lots of alcoholic beverages. For many who are able to be frivolous drinkers and unwind for the day, they can drink on July 4th. For you who […]

Signs of Gaming Addiction

Signs of Gaming Addiction

Digital technology over the years has continued to become a huge asset to users. With social media, emails, text messages, the internet, apps, and online gaming at your fingertips, anyone with access can pretty much solve any problem or entertain themselves at any given time. In fact, someone can easily play a video game anytime […]