Category Archives: 12-Step Programs

How Long Do I Have to Go to Therapy?

How Long Do I Have to Go to Therapy?

A recovery modality often promotes a few different aspects as part of an equation to help someone learn how to stay sober. Support, education, and therapy are all beneficial elements to further a person’s road to recovery. Although sobriety is supposed to be viewed with the one day at a time perspective, the truth is […]

What You Should Know About Wolf Therapy

What You Should Know About Wolf Therapy

Over the past decade, Wolf Therapy has become a more prevalent type of holistic therapy that has worked for Post-Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) in kids and veterans, and for people trying to overcome a substance use disorder (SUD). Society has probably taught you that wolves are dangerous, which they are to a certain extent. Hearing […]

Why the 12th Step Can Be More Than Just Recovery

Why the 12th Step Can Be More Than Just Recovery

Sobriety is a steppingstone for the rest of your life. You could be turned off that you have to go to so many 12-Step meetings and curious as to why service will save the day in the first place. Finding yourself in recovery can get you ready for what will come next. Although you may […]

Which Celebrities are Sober and Can Inspire Your Own Sobriety?

Which Celebrities are Sober and Can Inspire Your Own Sobriety?

Sobriety is a personal choice that may be difficult for some to come out and be open about it to others. Thankfully, 12-Step programs are meant to be anonymous to protect anyone who wants to recover from alcohol and drug addiction to have a chance without worrying about what others who may not understand think […]

Ways to Increase Your Productivity in Sobriety

Ways to Increase Your Productivity in Sobriety

People who use drugs and alcohol may consume them with the intention to help their productivity soar. Alcohol, methamphetamines, and stimulants, like Ritalin and Adderall, often give the impression that they will make you more productive, which they could, if you do not become addicted to them first. Any legal, prescription, recreational, or illicit drugs […]

Ninth Month: Ninth Step

Ninth Month: Ninth Step

12-Step programs use the number of the 12-Step to correlate with the number of the month to pinpoint their capability. September promotes the ninth step in daily 12-Step literature devotions while providing relevance to how others have worked this step. “Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure […]

Why Relapse Prevention is a Must

Why Relapse Prevention is a Must

There will come a time in everybody’s sobriety where they will question why they are getting sober in the first place. The disease of addiction is powerful in convincing someone that they are fine and are not as really as bad as they once thought. For some, this overwhelming urge is almost too much to […]

Why You Should Have Faith Over Fear

Why You Should Have Faith Over Fear

Every human being is overcome with fear at some point in their lives whether they want to admit it or not. Being afraid in any capacity is just part of the makeup of the brain. Some people can deal with it with no problem and others can be completely crippled by the effects of being […]

Why Should I Be a Sponsor?

Why Should I Be a Sponsor?

The rule of thumb in a recovery program is to give back what was so freely given to you. Being of service is a crucial part of staying sober. Instead of thinking about yourself all the time like you did when you were active in your addiction, you can be proactive and start thinking about […]