Maintaining Relationship Intimacy

Are you having difficulty becoming or staying aroused? There are several psychological and biological factors that may be contributing to this roadblock. Most of the time this sort of situation is out of your control. So how do you take back control of the intimacy you experience in your relationship? Recharge your libido with these steps.

Identify the Source of the Problem 

The cause of your diminished sex drive could be medical. There are certain medications and drugs that lower libido. Some of these include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), antihistamines, alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, marijuana, tricyclic antidepressants, finasteride, and more. 

It could also be an indicator of a larger psychological problem. For example, if you are struggling with untreated depression, this may be a preliminary presenting symptom.

Depression is particularly difficult in that the disease itself can cause lowered libido. Additionally, the medications we use to treat depression can lower libido or cause sexual dysfunction, as well. It is important to collaborate with your provider to find the best medical arrangement to enhance all aspects of your life going forward.

Take Steps to Address the Problem

Regardless of the cause, effective communication around intimacy in any relationship is essential. Be open with your partner about what you are experiencing. 

If it is an issue with your medications or drug use, be sure to consult with the right professional on the matter. If you are struggling with another psychological condition, identify resources like Valiant Living that can offer you the support you need. Addiction and co-occurring mental health issues can lead to problems in any sexual relationship. That is normal and even expected at times. There are resources to get you back to a level of satisfaction that you are comfortable with long term.

Maintaining relationship intimacy with a partner can be difficult when simultaneously dealing with addiction. If you are having difficulty identifying the source of the problem, you may benefit from our services. At Valiant Living, we understand how to treat people suffering from addiction and co-occurring mental health issues and can help determine how these issues might show up in an intimate relationship. At our men-only facility located in the Denver area, we will focus on this and more. Call us today to find out how we can help at (303) 952-5035.