How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

With 2021 underway, it may be a good time to reevaluate your progress on your personal goals for growth. In December, we wrote a reminder to readers to Focus on the Positive in the New Year. Perhaps you made a New Years resolution and need some tips on holding yourself accountable. To successfully form new, healthier habits, we recommend you try using these guidelines:

  1. Break Up a Larger Goal into Smaller Steps: Whether your goal is to work out more or start a gratitude journal, you are more likely to accomplish the overarching goal if you break it down into feasible tasks. For example, try to start off with 10 minutes a day of dedicated fitness or writing in your journal.
  2. Forgive Yourself For Any Missteps: If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. You are human and have competing obligations. Try giving yourself a positive affirmation like “While I want to stick with my New Years resolution, I did not get it done today. That is okay and I will try again tomorrow.”
  3. Reward Yourself for Each Step You Make Towards Progress: Once you have completed a few days or a week of consistent work towards your New Year’s resolution, give yourself a pat on the back. Explore your ideas for self care. Share your accomplishments with trusted friends and family. When you have others rooting for you, it may be easier to stick to your plan. 

January, as the first month of the year, is the time to set your trajectory for personal fulfillment. Progress is not linear. Acknowledging the cyclical nature of life may actually prove essential to realistically reach your goals. Incorporating these three recommendations into your calendar and mindset may further advance your progress. 

Sticking to a New Years resolution can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. You can 1) break up a larger goal into smaller steps, 2) forgive yourself for any missteps, and 3) reward yourself for each step you make towards progress. One way to progress is to find a supportive community to help connect you with the resources you need to make a change in your life. At Valiant Living, we understand how to treat people suffering from addiction and co-occurring mental health issues. At our men-only facility located in the Denver area, we can help you stay intentional about your New Year’s resolution. Call us today to find out how we can help at (303) 952-5035.