Author Archives: Drew Powell

The Challenges Vaping Poses

The Challenges Vaping Poses

E-cigarettes came onto the market in the United States right around 2006-2007. If you were to go back through an e-cigarette timeline, you can see where different government agencies, health organizations, and consumer groups were against the product from the get-go and that it was actually patented back in 1930. Throughout the years, there has […]

Tips to Support Your Kid in Their Sobriety When You Are Already Sober

One of the most difficult aspects of sobriety as a parent is to experience your child, at any age, go down the same rabbit hole of addiction that you did. You probably want to shake them into sobriety so that you can protect them from what you had to go through although that is probably […]

Why Has EMDR become So Popular For Recovery?

Why Has EMDR become So Popular For Recovery?

One of the recent trends in therapy is using EMDR. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) was discovered in 1987 by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., as a way to process traumatic memories and has since become an efficient type of therapy to deal with the pain of the past. EMDR is a method to get to the […]

Disturbed: A Reason to Fight

Disturbed: A Reason to Fight

If you have never heard of the band, Disturbed, they are the epitome of what rock’n’roll is considered to be. Depending on what age you are, their music is considered heavy metal for older folks and nu-metal for the younger crowd. Disturbed’s music can be heard with a mixture of death growls and beautiful harmonies […]

Esteemable Acts: A Job Interview

Esteemable Acts: A Job Interview

Getting on your feet financially in recovery can hinge on getting a job. Although you may want to find work to help your pocketbook, you could be in fear with the entire process of gaining employment. Being afraid may entail not feeling like you are qualified, that your past may prevent you from being hired, […]

The Importance of Structure in Your Daily Routine

The Importance of Structure in Your Daily Routine

After treatment, we need to make a lot of adjustments and lifestyle changes for lifelong recovery. We face many challenges that put us at high risk for relapse. Developing structure in your daily routine will help the recovery process and get you through difficult situations. There are ways to make the transition to sobriety easier. […]

Believing in Yourself Throughout Recovery

When we are struggling with addiction, recovery can seem impossible. It can be hard to understand the root of addiction, why the drug or alcohol use continues, and why we cannot stop. Addiction affects family, friends, and loved ones. Feelings of hopelessness and despair can be overwhelming. The process of recovering from our addictions challenges […]

Tips on How to Help a Loved One with Addiction

Addiction is a long journey of loneliness, frustration, and learning. There can be a lot of advice from well-meaning people on how to help your loved one who suffers from addiction. Coping with a loved one’s addiction is very overwhelming and stressful for family and friends. Addiction is complicated, but there are ways you can […]

Recovery: One Day at a Time

Recovery: One Day at a Time

Addiction is a complicated brain disease that changes the way your brain functions. When we use drugs or alcohol, we are at high risk of growing dependent on them. Using drugs or alcohol more frequently and in higher doses puts us at risk of becoming dependent on them. Eventually,  drug and alcohol dependency can lead […]

6 Tips for Managing Anger while Recovering from Addiction

6 Tips for Managing Anger while Recovering from Addiction

Anger is sometimes a good thing. When we see someone do something unfair or unethical, anger is the healthy response. However, anger can easily become toxic. If you always get angry at others, you end up hurting others and alienating yourself. You may start to carry around your anger in the form of resentments, which […]