The Basics of Problem-Solving Therapy (PST)


Problem-solving therapy (PST) is an evidence-based practice to help people work through problems. It involves seven steps. These steps include: Identifying the problem Setting the goal Brainstorming options Weighing the pros and cons Selection of the best option(s) Creating an action plan Evaluating the outcome What to Expect in a Session You will meet with […]

Curating Your Social Media to Promote Mental Health

social media

If you are living and breathing in the 21st century, then you’re also probably on social media. Kudos to those of you who have avoided the trends, posts, and likes, but most people are engaging with social media in one way or another. The recent Netflix documentary Social Dilemma highlighted some of the harmful effects of […]

The Iceberg of Emotions

We often experience emotions as an iceberg. In the conscious mind, above the water, we consider our feelings — whether it’s anger, sadness, or joy. However, under the water lies the subconscious and unconscious minds. This is where we store painful memories and patterns of behavior that we have grown accustomed to experiencing. Due to […]

Characterizing Your Thought Patterns


A key component of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is characterizing your maladaptive thoughts. Maladaptive thoughts are ways of thinking that do not serve a logical purpose but stem from depression or anxiety. Here are some examples of maladaptive thinking patterns: All-or-Nothing Thinking: Also called black and white thinking, this is the belief that a situation is 100% one […]

What is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma underpins most major mental illnesses and substance use disorders. When life deals someone with a challenging card, they only have so many ways to cope. There are genetic and environmental factors that guide the decisions we make in the wake of trauma. Some turn to alcohol or drugs, some experience psychosis; others enter significant […]

How to Use Socratic Questioning in Therapy


You can learn about a person and help them come to realizations about themselves by asking them a series of questions. Named for the Greek philosopher Socrates, this method of conversing helps people get to the heart of the matter. Questions, in this theory, have a particular direction and follow a logical path. Therapists use […]

Defining Self-Determination


In life, we each get to make decisions for ourselves. That is our right to self-determination. Sometimes when we are struggling with mental health concerns, we lose decision-making capacity. Our loved ones step in and start making decisions for us. One day, however, when we are feeling better and in a more stable place, we […]

An Overview of Motivational Interviewing

motivational interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a tool that a lot of clinicians use to learn more about their clients and the client’s desire for change. Some of the basic tenants include getting to know the client better through reflective listening, determining what underlies the client’s ambivalence about change, and assessing where the client is at in […]

Making Minor Adjustments for Major Change

small changes for big change

Making big changes seems overwhelming and too much for us to handle. Instead of shifting your focus all at once, it can be helpful to break down the overarching change into minor adjustments. By tweaking small aspects of your life here and there, you can ultimately see something grander take hold. If you want to […]