Tag Archives: recovery

Why Humility Is an Imperative Part of Recovery

You have spent enough time being reckless with selfishness due to your behaviors under the influence. Now in recovery, you can rectify that behavior by adding some humility into your life. In fact, adding humility into your recovery will enhance your sober experience to the nth degree. When you are trying to achieve genuine humility, […]

What Labor Day Can Look Like in Recovery

Labor Day in 2020 is going to take on a new light this year. With many people still unable to work due to the limitations that are being made during the global pandemic, Labor Day is definitely going to feel a little different. Labor Day also marks the beginning of the school year, which will […]

How to Make July 4th Fire Up Your Sobriety

July 4th is a holiday that is definitely associated with drinking and using. Although the main attraction is the fireworks show every year, the events leading up to the fireworks and what happens after is what usually causes all the problems. Drinking alcohol as a social lubricant or using mind-altering drugs to enhance the fireworks […]

Why Am I So Squirrelly Before My Next Sobriety Milestone?

sober milestone

If you have been around the rooms of recovery, you have probably seen people take different milestones in their recovery. 30-days, 60-days, 90-days, 6-months, 9-months, and years are the most common milestones that people celebrate. Staying sober for 1 day is difficult for someone who suffers from addiction, so stringing together some days, months, or […]

How Do I Make Friends in Recovery?

How Do I Make Friends in Recovery?

The best thing about starting over in recovery is that you get an opportunity to put your life back together in a way that is more beneficial than what happened during your addiction. Starting your life over in recovery, however, can be lonely. Changing your playgrounds and playmates can be difficult to fathom, although you […]