Monthly Archives: October 2019

Why It is Important When You Don’t Know What to Do – Do Nothing

Why It is Important When You Don’t Know What to Do - Do Nothing

Impulsivity is the foundation of addiction. Instead of doing the right thing, the impulsive nature of drugs and alcohol wins out every time when someone is suffering in their addiction. Once a person moves into their recovery, the impetuousness in their actions does not just change automatically. One who has been impulsive will tend to […]

What Should You Know About Xanax?

What Should You Know About Xanax?

Anxiety is a real condition that can be debilitating in adults and in kids. People who experience anxiety have intense levels of fear and worry about everyday things that might be perceived as minimal to other people. What happens during these times of anxiety is nonstop feelings of uncontrollable terror or panic. In order to […]

How the Wreckage of Your Past Affects You

How the Wreckage of Your Past Affects You

Now that you have gotten sober and you are working a recovery program, you have probably digested some pretty big truths about yourself. Even if you thought you were the type of person who would give the shirt of your back to someone in need even during the throes of your addiction, that shirt came […]

How Valiant Living Onboards Clients for Success

How Valiant Living Onboards Clients for Success

Orientation for a rehabilitation center can be frightening and uncertain for someone who has suffered long enough in their addiction. The point of intake and orientation is to familiarize clients and the treatment center facilitators with one another along with setting the precedent for what will be happening while the client is in treatment.  Here […]