Monthly Archives: November 2019

What is that Invisible Line They Keep Talking About?

What is that Invisible Line They Keep Talking About?

People typically start drinking and using to relieve stress and relax, to end their curiosity, or because of peer pressure. During this time of discovery, there will be some who can take it or leave it and there will be some who cannot take it and will not be able to leave it. Someone who […]

Best Tips to Stay Sober on Thanksgiving

Best Tips to Stay Sober on Thanksgiving

As the holiday season officially kicks off with Thanksgiving Day, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to celebrating this holiday. With food and gratefulness being the focal point of this special family day, you would seem to have everything you would need for a wonderful time. Everyone is eating delicious food. […]

How Sesame Street Has Made Recovery into a Character

How Sesame Street Has Made Recovery into a Character

The opioid crisis in America has affected people of all ages including young children. When mommies and daddies are unable to show up for their kids due to their addiction to drugs or alcohol, children get caught in the crossfire and have no idea how to cope. These minors suffer trauma and abuse that could […]

Why Time Management is Necessary for Recovery

Why Time Management is Necessary for Recovery

One of the mainstays in recovery is practicing the principles in all your affairs and this encompasses time management. Honestly, you have done enough things during your addiction to breakdown your confidence that today in recovery, you should attempt to do things that will build you back up. One of those areas could be time […]